Blogs by Active Profile - Marketing, PR & Comms Agency

Preparing Real Estate Communication Strategies in an Election Year

Written by Anna Heyes | 11/06/24 08:51

In the run-up to the general election, the real estate sector faces a range of challenges that demand clear and concise communication strategies. While economic conditions and political campaigns can shift and disrupt decision-making timelines, the dynamic environment offers opportunities to drive change. It’s in these turbulent times that strong communication and partnerships between the public and private sectors must be a priority.  

A time for change  

In the aftermath of this month’s local election, it’s important that the sector continues to nurture its established connections with key stakeholders while also forging new ones.  

Maintaining these existing relationships will help stay on top of projects that may be at risk of stalling during transitional periods. Councils will likely pause to assess their focus. They may ask for more information, briefings, or site visits. So, it’s always wise to be prepared, available, and ready to align your message to their incoming priorities.

Since we expect delays for schemes that are yet to be funded, it’s advisable that teams use this time to: 

  •  Stay close to any changes in leadership direction being driven locally or nationally, 

  • Review fact sheets, development playbooks, and key messaging regularly, 

  • Ensure your team remains well briefed on any protocols in place with the council or government, 

  • Prep project leaders to offer media updates. 

Especially in the new and early stages of projects, it’s not always easy to find all the answers and actions. However, maintaining relationships will help to build trust throughout communications with council members, advisors, officers, and wider stakeholders. A great way to do this is to book scheme briefings into diaries, offer site walk arounds, and offer opportunities to deliver updates. 

If/when a council changes colour, the industry needs to be ready to re-prioritise, and adapt a scheme’s focus. By delivering necessary information promptly to council teams, the industry can empower clients to make informed decisions quickly so schemes can continue to move at pace. 

 The key to a general election is preparation  

With the general election on the horizon, in real estate, you must be prepared for every scenario - ensuring there is a clear plan of what needs communicating, no matter which party emerges as leaders.  

 Tips to ensure you remain agile for future change include:  

  •  Widening your network of contacts pre-election  

  • Strengthening weaker connections between schemes  

  • Considering different party’s vocab and manifestos within your comms 

There are already very visible opportunities for real estate in the lead-up to the election. A renewed focus on housing, and garden cities are both examples of where positioning externally could pay off in the long term. By showcasing your experience and expertise in these fields, you’ll have a head start when it comes to delivery. 

It’s also important to remember that immediate political shifts do not (often) cause delays to scheme delivery. It is changes in the incoming policy from a government that will impact long-term planning and funding decisions. So, staying clued up and keeping an eye on the media in the next 100 (or so) days after an election is always the best way to monitor changes that will impact your schemes or portfolios. 

Being a partner a government can trust

From net zero to economic development, the real estate industry will play a pivotal role in the delivery of any winning party’s manifesto. As partners and allies to those in government, the sector is helping them to bring forward investment opportunities to benefit communities. So, it’s important to consistently communicate impact with context of their world, while evidencing tangible substance behind your ambitions. 

In an era marked by mistrust and evolving generations of leadership across the public and private sectors, our ability to communicate effectively as brands, and as teams, has never been more important. So, investing in these periods of change will help reap rewards long term. 

Chat with us about your communication strategy 

At Active Profile we collaborate with various real estate firms to strengthen their relationships through communication with the public sector. Get in touch to find out how we can help your business navigate the waves of this year's general election.