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5 ways we build agility and promote positive wellbeing at Active Profile

Read Time: 4 minutes

 No matter how much you can support your employees, they’re always going to encounter work challenges and personal situations that could leave them feeling overwhelmed or stressed – in fact, according to Statistica, 79% of respondents said they frequently experience work-related stress in the UK.  

It’s proven that the happiness and health of your employees can improve their productivity levels, yet in 2021, 57% of UK organisations reported that the number one reason for long-term absence was mental health, while 38% of UK businesses specifically reported stress as the most common reason. So, where are we going wrong? 

In light of Global Wellness Day, we’re sharing how we promote and encourage our employees' mental wellbeing inside and outside of office hours, with a range of tips and advice you can take into your organisation.  


1. Supporting a flexible approach to working  

We all have our own commitments, so as an employer, we want to make day-to-day life as easy as possible for our team. The last thing we want any of our employees to be worrying about is how they’re going to juggle their workload around a doctor’s appointment or childcare, so we encourage a flexible working approach to help everyone balance their role with daily life. 


2. Making time to chill as a team 

We’ve found that making the time to bond and relax as a team has strengthened relationships across the business. With the option to take part in team activities that have most recently included yoga, meditation and graffiti art, we’re able to take time away from our desks to calm our minds and try something new.  

 Employee spray painting as part of wellbeing activity


 3. a little help from our office dogs   

It’s no secret that furry friends brighten our day, however, studies have shown that pets in the workplace do help to reduce stress. Their wagging tails and cute little faces, bring a smile to our faces while stroking our four-legged friends lowers the stress hormone known as cortisol.  

 Rudy the office dog


4. Regular morning check- ins  

At the beginning of every workday, we meet as a team to discuss our priorities and workload. It’s easy in agency life to bury your head deep into your work and get burnt out on the hamster wheel delivering for clients. So, in our 10-minute session, we encourage everyone to highlight where they may need extra time adding against a task or where they need a little support, so it never gets too much. 


5.Leaving time for reflection  

As a team, we take part in coaching sessions with Sean Sankey from MuchClearer. A golden nugget that he’s given the agency is to leave time to set small goals and reflect on your week. We have been guilty of always looking to ‘what’s next’ and new challenges, without taking the time to step back and look at how much we’ve delivered. Now, using Sean’s approach, we feel a sense of reward, value and achievement at the end of the week when we look at how we’ve performed against our weekly priorities.  

Active Profile coaching session with Sean Sankey of MuchClearer


 Discover more about life at Active Profile  

Gain other tips and advice from our company culture and marketing guidance by heading to our blog.  

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